Lower East Side 103 Orchard St New York, NY 10002
11:00 to 08:00
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Rare opportunity to buy a well maintained 8 House Breeder Poultry Farm. This farm is well suited for a large family or 2 families to run and maintain. There are (2) 40’X476′ Built in 2010, (2) 40’x476′ Built in 2008, and (4) 40’x535′ Built in 2014. This 8 House Breeder Poultry Farm as a “Very Strong” Gross Yearly Income. No upgrades needed. There is a single wide Mobile Home and a ranch style 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Home on the property that can be extended for a larger family. There will be a boundary survey completed to determine the exact acreage. This farm is very convenient to schools and town activities. Financing available for qualified buyers. This farm is being offered for sale by Poultry Asset Managment Group LLC not Arlyle Realty Inc
Posted in Chicken farm and RealEstate
Lower East Side 103 Orchard St New York, NY 10002
11:00 to 08:00
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(243) 222-12344
2600 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19130, USA
Daily : 10 am to 11 pm
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318 West 20th Street New York, NY 10011
11:00 to 08:00
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